El sabor de mi cocina

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  • Chiles cuaresmeños rellenos - 1 de 2
    El sabor de mi cocina , 02-10-2015

    PARA MAS INFORMACION ABRE LA VENTANA FOR MORE INFORMATION OPEN THIS WINDOW ( if you wold like this video in English plz leave me a comment or email me.. if i get enough request i will dub it in English... ) Esta es una receta tradicional del centro de Mexico que solia hacer mi abuela CHILES CUARESMEÑOS RELLENOS - 12 chiles jalapeños grandes RELLENO DE PICADILLO - 2 cucharadas de aceite de maiz o vegetal - 1/2 tz de cebolla - 2 dientes de ajo (o al gusto) - 1/4k de carne molida de res (puede ser toda de res) - 1/4 k de carne molida de cerdo - 1 cucharada de consome de pollo deshydratado (o bien 1/2 cucharaditas de sal o al gusto - pimienta al gusto - 1/2 tz de tomate rojo (jitomate) picado - 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo - 1/2 cucharadita de mejorana - 1 hoja de laurel - 30 almendras peladas y picadas - 25 aceitunas verdes picadas - 2 cucharaditas de alcaparras CAPEADO de HUEVO - 1 diente de ajo partido a la mitad - 6 huevos separados a temperatura ambiente - sal y pimienta al

  • Relleno de res y puerco para pavo
    El sabor de mi cocina , 24-08-2015

    DESPLIEGUE PARA MAS INFORMACION - GRACIAS FOR THE RECIPE IN ENGLISH PLEASE SUBCRIBE TO MY BLOG: http://elsabordemicocina.tumblr.com/ RELLENO DE PAVO INGREDIENTES 2 cu de aceite de maiz o vegetal 1 lb de puerco molido (½ kg) 1 lb de res molida (½ kg) 1 tz de cebolla picada 3 dientes de ajo media hoja de laurel 1/4 cdta de mejorana y tomillo 3 cu de almendras peladas y picadas 20 aceitunas picadas 1 cu. alcaparras 1 tz de tomate (jitomate) picado 15 ciruelas pasas picadas sal o consome de pollo deshidratado al gusto pimienta al

  • Sopa / Crema de chicharos y menta
  • Albóndigas Oaxaquenas - with Eng Sub on CC
    El sabor de mi cocina , 04-07-2015

    PARA MAS INFORMACION ABRE LA VENTANA FOR MORE INFORMATION OPEN THIS WINDOW (I will do the english subtitles as soon as i can.. thanks for the patience ) Esta es una receta tradicional del centro de Mexico Oaxacan Meatballs (12 meatballs) Ingredients for meatballs: 1 lb. of ground meat (lamb can also be used) ¼ cup of minced mint ½ cup of semi-cook white rice (cook it for about 5 min in boiling water) ½ tsp ground cumin 1 raw egg 1 tbs. of dehydrated chicken stock o salt to taste Meatball filling : 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped Chipotle Sauce: 2 tbs. of corn or vegetable oil 3 medium tomatoes roasted 2 chipotles in adobo sauce (less if ur not used to spicy food) http://en.wikipedia.org/wi?ki/Chipotle ½ onion sliced 1 tbs. of dehydrated chicken stock o salt to taste ¾ to 1 cup of water Making the Meatballs Mix the ground meat, cumin, mint, dehydrated chicken stock, rice and raw egg. Do not over mix as meatballs will become dense. Divide the meat into 12 portions. Make a patty and in the middle put the chopped hard boiled egg in the center then remake the meatball carefully so that the egg stays in the middle. Making the sauce: In a blender, blend the roasted tomatoes, the chipotles and the dehydrated chicken stock. In a big sauce pan or pot saute the onion, add the mixture of tomatoes, chipotle and chicken stock and saute for about 5 min. Add the water and let it boil. Add the meatballs and cook in a medium heat until the meatballs are cook through about 20 min. Turn them around once after 10 min so they cook evenly. serve hot and with a side of

  • Atun guisado
    El sabor de mi cocina , 03-07-2015

    DESPLIEGA PARA MAS INFORMACION Una receta super sencilla que puede servir para pollo pre cocinado, atun o salmon de